NSA Listed Degaussers
Every degausser in this section has been evaluated by the NSA and is listed on the most current NSA Evaluated Products List (EPL). These NSA listed degaussers are suitable for both longitudinal magnetic recorded (LMR) media and perpendicular magnetic recorded (PMR) hard disk drives up to 5000 Oe as well as magnetic tape up to 3,000 Oe.
Model EMP1000-HS NSA Listed Degausser
Up to 570 drives per hour, 2.0 Tesla (20,000 gauss)
Model EMP1000-HSDEP Degausser – Deployment Kit
Up to 570 drives per hour, 2.0 Tesla (20,000 gauss)
EMP1000-HS Degausser & 0315 HDD Shredder Combo
Up to 570 drives per hour, 2.0 Tesla (20,000 gauss), auditable destruction verification
EMP1000-HS Degausser & iWitness
Up to 570 drives per hour, 2.0 Tesla (20,000 gauss), auditable destruction verification
EMP1000-HS Degausser, 0315 HDD Shredder & iWitness Combo
Up to 570 drives per hour, 2.0 Tesla (20,000 gauss), auditable destruction verification